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Java OSC

status: legacy - active at github (as of 19-Mar-21)

Status details: there are recent activities at this link instead. the email I found is the same for the developer above, in row 31

Project Type: Programming Language Library

Project URL:

OSC Documentation URL:


JavaOSC is a library for talking the Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol in Java. It is not, in itself, a usable program. Rather, it is a library designed for building programs that need to communicate over OSC (e.g., SuperCollider, Max/MSP, Reaktor, etc.)

JavaOSC is very easy to use: with just a couple of lines you’re sending and receiving OSC messages.

Implementation Details

Platform(s): Any / Platform Independent

Features: Packet Parsing, Packet Construction

Supported OSC types: i: int32, b: blob, s: string, f: float32

Transport support: UDP

Submitted to by Legacy at 2/24/21 12:32

This page of OpenSoundControl website updated Tue Aug 16 13:15:16 PDT 2022 by matt (license: CC BY).